Saturday, October 3, 2009

Travel Album: Cathedrals

The other day I finally got our photos developed from a trip we took to France and Spain in 2005. Shocking - clearly I'm not a scrap-booker at heart. Anyway, while going through the pics I started thinking about how I photograph places, things, experiences compared to how I sketch them. I'm doing a similar thing with each in that I'm working directly from reality and attempting to capture it in some way. So, a new project for me is to do some visual comparisons, just to see.  Here's my first attempt. (By the way, some of the photos are my husband's as we share a camera, but it's impossible to tell who took what. We both always claim to have taken the best pics.)

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely collage of beautiful photos and sketches. Bridges may be beautiful in a functional sort of a way but ornate cathedrals are just majestic!
